


“ The direction in which education starts a man will determine his future life. ” Plato

To address the needs of a changing, evolving and embryonic community, we envisioned a school that is only about limitless possibilities.

At the core of it, of course is the distinctive stamp of the Greenfield Public School, rendering quality education wherein we help mould, prepare, inspire, encourage and motivate children not just to learn and gain knowledge but develop life skills needed to be competitive in global scenario.

Keeping in mind the growing needs, the changing trends and the constant call to adapt, we at Greenfield Public School have formulated our own unique imprint which offers a whole new learning experience.

Greenfield Public School is set on a course to help make a difference in the world of education under the aegis of visionary and notable educators

In the backdrop of pristine surroundings, amidst quietude and away from bustling locales, Greenfield Public School is set on a verdant, landscaped area of over 7 acres.

As you step into the school premises, what is striking is the sheer expansiveness that seems to envelope you and which in a way is very reassuring.

The school has in place state-of-the-art amenities and facilities and has earmarked and categorized the many facilities and sections that cater to sports, academics and creative streams. With this we aim to strike a fine balance between academics and the many engaging activities.

The thoughtful design, the campus, the detailing, the many attentive features with a key focus on maintaining a very safe and secure campus all endeavour to set aside parents’ apprehensions about the child’s safety.

Here at Greenfield Public School, your kids are constantly watched and monitored and in safe hands.

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